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Prizes awarded for Endeavour project

A number of Year 7s have been awarded certificates and prizes for their engagement with the Endeavour challenge.

Mrs Njikang set up the project last year to encourage the year group to work towards a goal, try new things and step outside their comfort zone. They were challenged with completing a number of tasks, filling in their Endeavour passport along the way.

This week, Mrs Njikang awarded prizes to those who have made the most progress in the challenge (picture above are some of this term’s winners). There will be a celebration assembly in the coming months, when more rewards will be handed out.

“Despite the challenges of lockdown, it’s gone really well and we are encouraging students to continue with the challenge in the lead up to the summer break,” said Mrs Njikang. “They have made progress in areas like Times Table Rock Stars and Numeracy Ninja, as well as doing well with things like green cards. They engaged well with online learning through lockdown and the Endeavour passport has allowed them to track their own educational progress.”

Students have now been tasked with producing a PowerPoint to document their Endeavour journey.

The Endeavour challenges:

Engagement: This requires students to engage with homework and online learning as best as they can.

Numeracy: This requires students to complete and compete in the Times Table Rockstar online competition. We would love every Year 7 become a maths legend!

Discipline: This requires students to do their best to achieve green cards, rather than red or yellow.

Extra-curricular activities: This requires students to attend and engage in extra-curricular activities within and where possible outside of school.

Attendance: This requires students to have regular attendance at school. We aim for 100% attendance.

Value others: This requires students to help others around the school or show evidence of support for others in their communities.

Orate: This requires students to complete some creative tasks during form time and present to their peers. This aims to build public confidence.

Understand: This requires students to engage with and complete their BEDROCK online project.

Read: This requires students to read as many books as they can during the academic year.