Time to laugh out loud!

If you could do with a good laugh - and the chance to win £100 worth of funny books then you are in the right place.
The tiles shortlisted for this year's Laugh Out Loud Awards (Lollies) are available to borrow from our library and there is bound to be at least one to make you smile.
And for the under-13s there is the chance to win a great prize if you can write a joke that will make author Helen Rutter laugh out loud!
Click on the link below for details of how to enter, and the joke must be less than 30 words and submitted via a parent or guardian.
Write your own joke and win Helen Rutter books, and more! | National Book Tokens
The Lollies were launched in 2016 to celebrate the best and funniest children's and teen books published in the UK and Ireland.
So if you want to meet The Boy Who Made Everyone Laugh or The Amazing Edi Eckhart then head to our library and find a funny book just for you.