How's your empathy?

Today is Empathy Day and the best time to find out more about a new movement which is aiming to help us create a better world.
According to the Empathy Lab, there is no limit to how much we have and, it can be a learned behaviour, so showing empathy towards others is something we can all do.
The ability to imagine and share the feelings and perspectives of another is empathy, a key factor in moral behaviour and leads to us being inspired to help others.
Read for Empathy has a collection of books including 25 picked for secondary education and each explores themes ranging from food poverty to understanding different cultures. We have many in our library so be inspired to find out more.
The range of books includes graphic novels, poetry, novels and non-fiction
Empathy day was started in 2017 by the Empathy Lab which was founded three years earlier specifically to build empathy, literacy and social activism in children using high quality literature.
For more information and to see live events throughout the day, see