IT support
On this page you will find information about our IT systems and software applications.
If you cannot find what you're looking for, please contact our office:
Forgotten a student password to 'login' to the school computers and RM Unify?
Contact your Form Tutor or if at home, use the Office email.
Forgotten your PiXL password, Maths Watch password or other apps?
Contact your subject teacher.
Forgotten your Bedrock password?
Contact your English teacher.
TCA supporting remote learning - click here
TCA IT systems explained
At TCA we are proud to be a Microsoft Showcase School, part of a global community of schools engaged in digital transformation to improve teaching and learning. Showcase Schools create immersive and inclusive experiences that inspire lifelong learning, stimulating development of essential future-ready skills so students are empowered to achieve more.
Our students have access to modern computer suites and the latest software to support their learning. Year 12 and 13 students are using the latest in hybrid laptop/tablet devices which they can use in lessons and for independent study.
Our teaching is progressive, incorporating digital technology to facilitate hybrid learning, which combines classroom learning with online learning, allowing students to learn anytime, anywhere. Incorporating methods of interaction that foster independence, providing control over pace and engaging students through rich media with tools to support learning such as Immersive Reader and Language Translation.
Students have access to a wide variety of software applications and education websites accessible from within their RM Unify launch pad. RM Unify is the landing page for students when they open an Internet browser in the school. Below is a description of some of the software applications available to our students.
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Outlook - students can send and receive emails and use the calendar feature to plan their year. |
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Microsoft Teams - is central to many of our academic systems at TCA sporting multiple features to support academia. Subject classroom – A virtual classroom (Team) is setup for every subject a student is studying. This feature enables students to have access to teaching and learning resources, whether it’s a normal day in school or working from home. OneNote Class Notebook – linked to each virtual classroom provides a one-stop teaching and learning environment where students can access a digital textbook, digital exercise book and collaborative area to work with their peers. |
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Bedrock Learning - is a digital literacy curriculum designed for primary and secondary students of all abilities, Bedrock Learning is helping schools and parents to transform learning and literacy, equipping all learners with the knowledge they need to improve their educational outcomes. |
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PiXL Maths - is a skills-based maths assessment program. The app successfully highlights your strengths and your areas to develop. This is a very useful and accurate tool to use prior to any test to help rank which revision topics are of the most importance. You will find other PiXL apps on RM Unify for other subjects too. |
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PiXL English - contains 16 texts and a range of different activities to help strengthen the knowledge of those texts. The activities revolve around gaining a deeper understanding of quotations through testing memory recall of the quotes, reciting who said the quote or who the quote was about, events and happenings and literature terminology. |
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Kudos - is the leading career development service helping you to explore, develop and maximise your potential. |
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Thinkuknow - is the education programme from NCA-CEOP, a UK organisation which protects children both online and offline. |